Journals Refereed Conference Conference Scholar
- E.K. Anderson, C. Chiquete, R.I. Chicas, and S. Jackson. “Detonation Performance Experiments, Modeling, and Scaling Analysis for Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN) High Explosive.” Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 47, e202200069 (2022).
DOI Link Preprint - S.J. Voelkel, E.K. Anderson, M. Short, C. Chiquete, and S.I. Jackson. “Effect of lot microstructure variations on detonation performance of the triaminotrinitrobenzene (TATB)-Based insensitive high explosive PBX 9502.” Combustion and Flame 246, 112373 (2022).
DOI Link Preprint - J.C. Thomas, F.A. Rodriguez, D.S. Teitge, L.N. Kunka, G.N. Gaddis, Z.K. Browne, C.B. Ahumada, E.T. Balci, S.I. Jackson, E.L. Petersen, and E.S. Oran. “An Experimental Study of Shock Transmission from a Detonation Tube.” Shock Waves 32 (2022).
DOI Link Preprint - E.K. Anderson, C. Chiquete, S.I. Jackson, R.I. Chicas, M. Short, “The comparative effect of HMX content on the detonation performance characterization of PBX 9012 and PBX 9501 high explosives”, Combustion and Flame 230 (2021): 111415.
DOI Link Preprint - M. Short, E.K. Anderson, C. Chiquete, S.I. Jackson, “Experimental and modeling analysis of detonation in circular arcs of the conventional high explosive PBX 9501”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38.3 (2021): 3683-3690.
DOI Link Preprint - E.K. Anderson, C. Chiquete, S.I. Jackson, “Experimental measurement of energy release from an initiating layer in an insensitive explosive”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38.3 (2021): 3733-3740.
DOI Link Preprint - C. Chiquete, S.I. Jackson, “Detonation performance of the CL-20-based explosive LX-19”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38.3 (2021): 3661-3669.
DOI Link Preprint - C. Chiquete, S.I. Jackson, E.K. Anderson, M. Short, “Detonation performance experiments and modeling for the DAAF-based high explosive PBX 9701”, Combustion and Flame 223 (2021): 382-397.
DOI Link Preprint - C. Chiquete, M. Short, S.J. Voelkel, E.K. Anderson, and S.I. Jackson, “Detonation shock dynamics modeling and calibration of the HMX-based conventional high explosive PBX 9501 with application to the two-dimensional circular arc geometry”, Combustion and Flame 222 (2021): 213-232.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson. “A Pressure or Velocity-Dependent Acceleration Rate Law for the Shock-to-Detonation Transition Process in PBX 9502 High Explosive.” Combustion and Flame 213 (2020): 98-106.
DOI Link Preprint - S.L. Sheehe and S.I. Jackson. “Spatial Distribution of Spectrally Emitting Species in a Nitromethane-Air Diffusion Flame and Comparison with Kinetic Models.” Combustion and Flame 213 (2020): 184-193.
DOI Link Preprint - S.L. Sheehe and S.I. Jackson. “Identification of Species from Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Emission of a Nitromethane-Air Diffusion Flame.” Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 364 (2019): 111185.
DOI Link Preprint - E.K. Anderson and S.I. Jackson. “The Dependence of Ammonal Detonation Performance on Cylinder Test Scale.” Combustion and Flame 208 (2019): 369-375.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson, C. Chiquete, and M. Short. “An Intrinsic Velocity-Curvature-Acceleration Relationship for Weakly Unstable Gaseous Detonations.” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2019): 3601-3607.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson, E.K. Anderson, and L.G. Hill. “Direct Measurement of Energy Loss Due to Aging Effects in the Condensed Phase Explosive PBX 9404.” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2019): 3645-3652.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson. “Scaling of the Detonation Product State with Reactant Kinetic Energy.” Combustion and Flame 190 (2018): 240-251.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson. “The Dependence of Ammonium-Nitrate Fuel-Oil (ANFO) Detonation on Confinement.” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36.2 (2017): 2791-2798.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson, B.J. Lee and J.E. Shepherd. “Detonation Mode and Frequency Analysis Under High Loss Conditions for Stoichiometric Propane-Oxygen.” Combustion and Flame 167 (2016): 24–38.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson and M. Short. “Scaling of Detonation Velocity in Cylinder and Slab Geometries for Ideal, Insensitive and Non-Ideal Explosives.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 773 (2015): 224-266.
DOI Link Preprint - S. Gilbertson, S.I. Jackson, S.W. Vincent, and G. Rodriguez. “Detection of High Explosive Detonation across Material Interfaces with Chirped Fiber Bragg Gratings.” Applied Optics 54.13 (2015): 3849–3854.
DOI Link - M. Short and S.I. Jackson. “Dynamics of High Sound-Speed Metal Confiners Driven By Non-Ideal High-Explosive Detonation.” Combustion and Flame 162.5 (2015): 1857–1867.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson. “An Analytic Method for Two-Dimensional Wall Motion and Product Isentrope from the Detonation Cylinder Test.” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35.2 (2015): 1997–2004.
DOI Link Preprint - E.K. Anderson, T.D. Aslam, and S.I. Jackson. “The Effect of Transverse Shock Propagation on the Shock-to-Detonation Transition Process for an Insensitive Explosive.” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35.2 (2015): 2033–2040.
DOI Link Preprint - E.K. Anderson, T.D. Aslam, and S.I. Jackson. “Transverse Initiation of an Insensitive Explosive in a Layered Slab Geometry: Front Shapes and Post-Shock Flow Measurements.” Combustion and Flame 161.7 (2014): 1944–1954.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson and M. Short. “The Influence of the Cellular Instability on Lead Shock Evolution in Weakly Unstable Detonation.” Combustion and Flame 160.10 (2013): 2260–2274.
DOI Link Preprint - G. Rodriguez, R. Sandberg, Q. McCulloch, S. Jackson, S. Vincent, and E. Udd. “Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating Detonation Velocity Sensing.” Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (2013): 015003.
DOI Link - S.I. Jackson, C.B. Kiyanda, and M. Short. “Experimental Observations of Detonation in Ammonium-Nitrate-Fuel-Oil (ANFO) Surrounded by a High-Sound Speed, Shockless, Aluminum Confiner.” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33.2 (2011): 2219–2226
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson and L.G. Hill. “Runaway Reaction in Solid Explosive Containing a Single Crack due to Gas- Dynamic Choking.” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2008): 2307–2313.
DOI Link Preprint - L.G. Hill, J.S. Morris, and S.I. Jackson. “Peel-Off Case Failure in Thermal Explosions Observed by the Deflagration Cylinder Test.” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (2008): 2379–2386.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson and J.E. Shepherd. “Detonation Initiation in a Tube via Imploding Toroidal Shock Waves.” AIAA Journal 46 (2008): 2357–2367.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson and J.E. Shepherd. “A Toroidal Imploding Detonation Wave Initiator for Pulse Detonation Engines.” AIAA Journal 45 (2007): 257–270.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson, J.M. Austin, and J.E. Shepherd. “Planar Detonation Wave Initiation in Large-Aspect-Ratio Channels.” AIAA Journal 44 (2006): 2422–2425.
DOI Link Preprint - E. Wintenberger, J. Austin, M. Cooper, S. Jackson, and J.E. Shepherd. “An Analytical Model for the Impulse of a Single-Cycle Pulse Detonation Engine.” Journal of Propulsion and Power 19 (2003): 22–38.
DOI Link Preprint - E. Wintenberger, J. Austin, M. Cooper, S. Jackson, and J.E. Shepherd. “Reply to ‘Comment on an Analytical Model for the Impulse of a Single-Cycle Pulse Detonation Tube’ by W.H. Heiser and D.T. Pratt.” Journal of Propulsion and Power 20 (2004): 198–191.
DOI Link Preprint - E. Wintenberger, J. Austin, M. Cooper, S. Jackson, and J.E. Shepherd. “Erratum to ‘An Analytical Model for the Impulse of a Single-Cycle Pulse Detonation Engine’.” Journal of Propulsion and Power 20 (2004): 765–767.
DOI Link Preprint - M. Cooper, S. Jackson, J. Austin, E. Wintenberger, and J.E. Shepherd. “Direct Experimental Impulse Measurements for Detonations and Deflagrations.” Journal of Propulsion and Power 18 (2002): 1033–1041.
DOI Link Preprint
Refereed Conference and Symposium Articles
- S.A. Andrews, A.M. Fraiser, S.I. Jackson, and E.K. Anderson. “Understanding the Uncertainty in an Equation of State Model for a High
Explosive Obtained from Heterogenous Data.” ASME 2019 Verification and Validation Symposium. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection (2019): VVS2019-5124.
DOI Link Paper - E.K. Anderson and S.I. Jackson. “Cyclotol Detonation Performance as a Function of Scale and Geometry.” In Proceedings of the 16th International Detonation Symposium (2019).
Paper - M.A. Zocher, T.D. Aslam, S.I. Jackson, and E.K. Anderson. “Numerical Modeling Comparing Slab to Cylinder Test Expansion
Geometries for PBX 9501.” In Proceedings of the 16th International Detonation Symposium (2019).
Paper - E.K. Anderson, M. Short, and S.I. Jackson. “Cylinder Test Wall Velocity Profiles and Product Energy for an
Ammonium Nitrate and Aluminum Explosive.” In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1793.1 (2017): 030018.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson. “The Detonation Cylinder Test: Determination of Full Wall Velocity and Shape from a Single Velocimetry Probe with an Arbitrary Angle.” In AIP Conference Proceedings, 1793.1 (2017): 050017.
DOI Link Preprint - T.A. Kuiper, E.K. Anderson, M. Short, and S.I. Jackson. “Detonation Performance Measurements of Cyclotol 80/20.” AIP Conference Proceedings, 1793.1 (2017): 030003.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson, B.J. Lee, and J.E. Shepherd. “Detonation Mode and Frequency Variation under High Loss Conditions.” In Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2015): 2015-134.
Paper - C. Chiquete, M. Short, S. Jackson, and J.B. Bdzil. “Higher Order DSD Calibration of Ammonium Nitrate/Fuel Oil.” In Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2015): 2015-123.
Paper - M. Short, S. Jackson, and C. Chiquete. “High Explosive Detonation Propagation in Slab and Rate-Stick Geometries Near the Chapman-Jouguet Velocity.” In Proceedings of the 25th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2015): 2015-128.
Paper - S.I. Jackson. “Scaled Cylinder Test Experiments with Insensitive PBX 9502 Explosive.” In Proceedings of the 15th International Detonation Symposium, (2015): 171-180.
Paper - D.L. Robbins, E.K. Anderson, M.U. Anderson, S.I. Jackson and M. Short. “Cylinder Test Characterization of an Ammonium Nitrate and Aluminum Powder Explosive.” In Proceedings of the 15th International Detonation Symposium, (2015): 797-803.
Paper - E.K. Anderson, T.D. Aslam, S.I. Jackson. “Analysis of Adjacent Detonating Explosive Slabs.” In Proceedings of the 15th International Detonation Symposium, (2015): 693-702.
Paper - S.W. Vincent, S.I. Jackson, C. Chiquete, M. Short. “The Geometric Scaling of IMX-104 Explosive: Detonation Velocity versus Charge Size for Cylindrical Rate Sticks and Slab Tests.” In Proceedings of the 15th International Detonation Symposium, (2015): 534-543.
Paper - C. Chiquete, S.I. Jackson and M. Short. “DSD calibration of PBX 9501 via slab geometry experiments.” In Proceedings of the 15th International Detonation Symposium, (2015): 494-503.
Paper - J.D. Yeager, S.I. Jackson, M. Short. “Effect of Temperature on Detonation Propagation in Composition B.” In Proceedings of the 15th International Detonation Symposium, (2015): 769–778.
Paper - G. Rodriguez, S. Gilbertson, S.W. Vincent, and S.I. Jackson. “Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors and Their Sensitivity to Changes in Detonation Velocity Across Interfaces.” In Proceedings of the 15th International Detonation Symposium, (2015): 264–265.
Paper - S.I. Jackson and M. Short. “Lead Shock Velocity Curvature Variation across the Cellular Detonation Instability.” In Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2013): 2013-056.
Paper - S.I. Jackson and M. Short. “The Scaling of the Diameter- and Thickness-Effect Curves for Ideal, Insensitive, and Non-Ideal Explosives.” In Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2013): 2013-226.
Paper - S.I. Jackson and M. Short. “Experimental Measurement of the Scaling of the Diameter- and Thickness-Effect Curves for Ideal, Insensitive, and Non-Ideal Explosives.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 500.5 (2014): 052020.
DOI Link - G. Rodriguez, R. Sandberg, S.I. Jackson, S. Vincent, Q. McCulloch, and E. Udd. “Fiber Bragg Sensing of High Explosive Detonation Experiments at Los
Alamos National Laboratory.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series 500.5 (2014): 142030.
DOI Link - E.K. Anderson, T.D. Aslam, and S.I. Jackson. “Transverse initiation of an insensitive explosive in a layered slab geometry: initiation modes.”
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 500.5 (2014): 052001.
DOI Link - G. Rodriguez, R. L. Sandberg, S. I. Jackson, D. M. Dattelbaum, S.W. Vincent, Q. McCulloch, R. M. Martinez, S. M. Gilbertson, and E. Udd.
“Fiber Bragg grating sensing of detonation and shock experiments at Los Alamos National Laboratory.” Fiber Optic Sensors and Applications X. International Society for Optics and Photonics. 8722 (2013): 872204.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson and M. Short. “Geometry-Specific Scaling of Detonation Parameters from Front Curvature.” In Proceedings of the 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2011): 2011-270.
Paper - S.I. Jackson. “Planar Blast Scaling with Condensed-Phase Explosives in a Shock Tube.” In Proceedings of the 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2011): 2011-305.
Paper - S.I. Jackson and M. Short. “Determination of the Velocity-Curvature Relationship for Unknown Front Shapes.” AIP Conference Proceedings 1426.1 (2012): 347–350.
DOI Link Preprint - M. Cooper, W. Trott, R. Schmitt, M. Short, and S.I. Jackson. “ANFO Response to Low-Stress Planar Impacts.” AIP Conference Proceedings 1426.1 (2012): 595–598.
DOI Link Paper - S.I. Jackson, C. B. Kiyanda, and M. Short. “Precursor Detonation Wave Development in ANFO due to Aluminum Confinement.” In Proceedings of the 14th International Detonation Symposium (2010): 740–749.
Paper - M. Short, J.J. Quirk, C.B. Kiyanda, S.I. Jackson, M.E. Briggs, and M.A. Shinas. “Simulation of Detonation of Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil Mixture Confined
by Aluminum: Edge Angles for DSD.” In Proceedings of the 14th International Detonation Symposium (2010): 769–778.
Paper - S.I. Jackson, B.J. Lee, W. Huang, F. Pintgen, J. Karnesky, Z. Liang, and J.E. Shepherd. “Experimental Detonation Propagation Under High Loss Conditions.” In Proceedings of the 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2009): 2009-114.
Paper - T. Aslam, S.I. Jackson, and J.S. Morris. “Proton Radiography of PBX 9502 Detonation Shock Dynamics Confinement Sandwich Test.” AIP Conference Proceedings 1195.1 (2009): 241-243.
DOI Link Paper - J.S. Morris, S.I. Jackson, and L.G. Hill. “A Simple Line Wave Generator Using Commercial Explosives.” AIP Conference Proceedings 1195.1 (2009): 408–411.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson, J.S. Morris, and L.G. Hill. “Determination of Explosive Blast Loading Equivalencies with an Explosively Driven Shock Tube.” AIP Conference Proceedings 1195.1 (2009): 323–326.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson and L.G. Hill. “Predicting Runaway Reaction in a Solid Explosive Containing a Single Crack.” AIP Conference Proceedings 955.1 (2007): 927–930.
DOI Link Preprint - S.I. Jackson and L.G. Hill. “Predicting Runaway Reaction in a Solid Explosive Containing a Single Crack.” In Proceedings of the 21st International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2007): 2007-022.
Paper - S.I. Jackson and J.E. Shepherd. “Detonation Initiation via Imploding Shock Waves in a Tube.” n Proceedings of the 21st International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2007): 2007-021.
Paper - S.I. Jackson, L.G. Hill, H.L. Berghout, S.F. Son, and B.W. Asay. “Runaway Reaction in a Solid Explosive Containing a Single Crack.” In Proceedings of the 13th International Detonation Symposium (2006): 646–655.
Paper - W.C. Davis, T.R. Salyer, S.I. Jackson, and T.D. Aslam. “Explosive-Driven Shock Waves in Argon.” In Proceedings of the 13th International Detonation Symposium (2006): 1035–1044.
Paper - P.M. Buraczewski S.I. Jackson and J.E. Shepherd. “Initiation of Detonations and Deflagrations by Shock Reflection and Focusing.” In Proceedings of the 20th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2005): 2005-241.
Paper - S.I. Jackson, J.M. Austin, M. Grunthaner, and J.E. Shepherd. “Planar Detonation Initiation.” In Proceedings of the 19th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2003): 2003-060.
Paper - S.I. Jackson, J.M. Austin, M. Cooper, E. Wintenberger, and J.E. Shepherd. “Initiation for Pulse Detonation Engines (Originally submitted as ‘A
Planar Detonation Initiator’ by S.I. Jackson and J.E. Shepherd).” In Proceedings of the 18th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (2001): 2001-138.
Conference Articles
- D.J. Lont, S.I. Jackson, C. Carlos, and M. Short. “The Evolution of the Velocity-Curvature-Acceleration Relationship with Activation Energy for Unstable Gaseous Detonations.” In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, p. 1288 (2023).
DOI Link Paper - A. Padgiotis and S.I. Jackson. “Comparison of Velocity-Adjusted Detonation Product Equation of State Methods to a Data-Driven Model.” In AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, p. 1777 (2023).
DOI Link Paper